How To Sanitize Physical Therapy Equipment during COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 is a new virus strain that is believed to spread in similar ways as the common cold, such as when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Symptoms include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. If you think you have been exposed to the virus and have respiratory symptoms, please call your health care provider as a first step, before coming into physical therapy.

Across the world, new cases of COVID-19 are being reported, and some parts of the country have declared a state of emergency.

While physical therapy, chiropractic, massage clinics, and fitness gyms are starting to re-open across Canada and USA, we still need to take precautions while treating patients and keeping a safe and healthy environment. 

One of the questions we receive is proper protocols of cleaning and disinfecting the M2T-Blade in between client appointments. 

First, M2T-Blade is made out of a 0.316 surgical grade stainless steel. Surgical Grade stainless steel is a non pours material that is shown to transfer bacteria, skin cells, virus than other materials such as wood, fabric, and low quality metals. 

The M2T-Blade must be sterilized between each client, and if possible, between each use with the same client. For example, if your using the blade on the lower extremity, place it down, then use it again on upper extremity. 

1) Disinfecting between treatments with the same client. 

An alcohol wipe is sufficient to clean the entire material in between use, and is highly suggested. 

2)  Disinfecting between treatments between appointments. 

After immediate use, the Blade should be thoroughly cleaned with a sanitization wipe and placed in an alcohol disinfecting solution. {Same solution used in hair salons for the combs}

Prior to use, the blade should be cleaned again with a wipe before use on the patients skin. 


Most practitioners and trainers use a coco butter, it is recommended to use a squeeze bottle and apply creme directly to the tool prior to applying it the clients skin. 

During these times, it is greatly recommended to take extra precautions to keep a safe and clean environment for our clients to maintain proper health and treatment protocols. 

The M2T-Blade Team is here to answer any further questions, email our team at




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